Marriage Mentor Ministry

Marriage mentoring offers engaged couples the opportunity to navigate the blessings and challenges of marriage. This program encourages open conversations about the experiences and issues that married couples face, allowing engaged couples to gain insight and guidance. Both married and engaged couples share their faith and life experiences, highlighting the blessings and struggles of life and emphasizing the presence of God in all aspects.

Mentors are equipped with the necessary tools to provide guidance.  The engaged couple will use a premarital inventory called FOCCUS. The mentor couple meets with the engaged couple 3-4 times, for about an hour each session, to discuss the inventory and reinforce their strengths while teaching communication skills essential for a lasting and fulfilling relationship.


Resources for Mentor Couples:

Ministry Overview          Marriage Prep Sessions         Evaluation Report


Resources for Engaged Couples:

What to Expect


Are you being prompted by the Holy Spirit to become a Marriage Mentor?

Kirstin Bularzik
Phone: (952) 442-3705