Pilgrimage to Greece

Learn More & Register!



Thursday, May 30 | 7:00 pm
(with a representative from the travel agency)
Rooms 101-13 at St. Joseph of the Lakes
171 Elm Street; Lino Lakes, MN 55014

Monday, June 3 | 7:15 pm
Parish Center
with Fr. Stan

It is anticipated most of the spaces will be reserved after the May 30 meeting.
So, if you are genuinely interested, try to make that meeting!


Registration is open!

Join Fr. Stan and Andre Grasse,
the music director at St. Joseph of the Lakes in Lino Lakes,
for a trip to Greece!

June 3-15, 2025
This will include four nights in Athens and seven nights on a cruise ship.
We will tour Athens, Corinth, Thessaloniki, Ephesus, and more.

Costs can still fluctuate, but it is expected to be about $5,100 plus airfare plus $165 for port fees.
Some meals will be on your own.
There is a full refund if you cancel before February 3, 2025.

See magitravelinc.com and search the Greece trips for the one with our names on it.